Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Brown Girl In The Ring

Brown Girl In the Ring
By Nalo Hopkinson

This was, by far, the book I've read most outside of my normal taste.  It takes place in the future with a Caribbean-Canadian woman as its protagonist.  Ti-Jeanne had recently had a baby after the economic crash and the city of Toronto is run by the gangster Rudy.  The father of her baby is supposed to kill a stranger to steal organs for the corrupt Premier of Ontario, leading him to turmoil, especially knowing it would be against Ti-Jeanne's wishes.  Mixed in with this story are rich cultural details, duppies (ghost-like spirits), and witchcraft.

I suggest this book to anyone interested in Caribbean culture, science fiction, or novels with strong female leads.  At first, I did not fully appreciate the book, but with proper background knowledge and a little research,  Hopkinson's novel is an entertaining and rich read.